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Aşağıda ifade edilen kullanım koşullarına uygun olarak web sitesinin hizmetleri sunulmaktadır; kullanıcıların bu web sitesini kullanmak ve sunulan hizmetlerden yararlanabilmeleri için aşağıda ifade edilen koşulları dikkatle okumaları ve onaylayarak kabul etmeleri gerekir.

Visitors who want to get information about the company's products and / or services from the website can fill in the contact form and get in touch with them. In addition, visitors can share their opinions / reviews about the services and / or products on the website with the administrators of the website with this method. The website does not record the content of messages sent by visitors for any purpose other than to detect violations of these terms of use. The website does not share the content of the message with third parties without the consent of the author, in accordance with the laws in force or at the request of the competent authorities. If these terms of use are accepted, the user accepts that the information shared by the user is allowed to be shared with all its affiliates and business partners for the purposes of offering special advantages to him, and for the purpose of notification of all kinds of communication activities for sales, marketing and similar purposes.

Web sitesi, üçüncü şahıslar tarafından yönetilen diğer web sitelerine bağlantılar ("linkler") içerebilir. Web sitesi, bahsedilen bağlantılardaki içerik veya bilgiler üzerinde bir kontrole sahip olmadığından, söz konusu web sayfalarının içeriğinin sorumluluğunu taşımadığı gibi kullanımından kaynaklanan zararlardan sorumlu değildir. Ayrıca, bu bağlantıların herhangi biri tarafından sağlanan bilgiler de dahil olmak üzere, üçüncü kişilerce sunulan bilgilerin kalitesinden, doğruluğundan ve tamlığından da sorumlu değildir.

Kullanıcılar, web sitesinde yayınladıkları yorumların kendi sorumlulukları altında olduğunu kabul eder. Web sitesinde yer alan her türlü kullanıcı yorumunun doğruluğu, eksiksiz olması, güvenilirliği, yeterliliği ve güncelliği hiçbir surette web sitesi tarafından garanti ve taahhüt edilmemektedir. Kullanıcılar, yayınladıkları içerikten ve yayınladıkları içeriğin yaratacağı fikri mülkiyet hakları ihlallerinden sorumludur.
Kullanıcının, web sitesinde yayınlayacağı yorumların üçüncü kişilerin haklarını ihlal etmesi veya üçüncü kişilere zarar vermesi durumunda bu durum kullanım şartlarının ihlali anlamına gelmekte olup; web sitesi bu nedenle yapılan yorumları haber vermeksizin doğrudan veya dolaylı olarak silme hakkını saklı tutar. Kullanıcılar web sitesinin sunduğu hizmetleri aşağıda belirtilen koşullarla kullanabilirler:
A) Hakaret içeren, iftira niteliği taşıyan, pornografik, istismar edici, nefret ifadeleri içeren, mahremiyeti ihlal eden, müstehcen, şiddet ve küfür içeren, yasal olmayan, ırkçı, kırıcı, çocuk veya hayvanların istismarı niteliğine sahip, küçük yaştakiler için zararlı olabilecek veya üçüncü tarafların fikri mülkiyet haklarını veya ticari sırrını ya da üçüncü taraf hakları ihlal eden veya hukuki ya da cezai sorumluluk doğuran kullanıcı yorumları yayınlanmaz.
B) Tamamlanmamış, hatalı veya yanlış yönlendirici yorum gönderilemez, başka bir şahıs veya kurum taklit edilemez veya bir kişi veya kurumla olan ilişki yanlış tanıtılamazlar.
C) Web sitesi üzerinden sunulan herhangi bir servis aracılığıyla siteye gönderilen ileti veya yorumların kaynağını saklamak amacıyla taklit başlıklar veya tanımlayıcılar kullanılamaz.
D) Kullanıcılar, yasalar veya karşılıklı anlaşmalar yoluyla yayınlama yetkisine sahip olmadıkları belirli içerikleri yayınlayamaz, e-posta ile gönderemez, iletemez ve bunları kuramazlar.
Ε) Herhangi bir üçüncü kişinin fikri mülkiyet haklarını ihlal eden herhangi bir formattaki (metin, görüntü, ses, video, animasyon) yazılım veya içerikler yayınlanamaz veya iletilemez.
F) Web sitesine veya web sitesini kullanarak diğer kullanıcılara veya ziyaretçilere istenmeyen eposta veya başka yetkisiz reklam ya da talepler gönderilemez, yayınlanamaz veya iletilemez, bu gibi istenmeyen içerikler web sitesine yüklenemezler.
G) The website cannot be used in a way that disturbs and harass others or violates the privacy rights of third parties.

In addition, users of the website:
They cannot disclose their personal mail, phone numbers and other personal data on the website.
As a result of the violation of the terms of use, they may be subject to a ban (BAN) and cannot make any complaints in their case.
They cannot share threatening and disturbing content.
They cannot publish content containing propaganda content contrary to national or moral values and symbols.
They cannot share content for this purpose (prostitution etc.) in return for sexual intercourse offer or money for this purpose.
Cursing, insults, etc. They cannot share content that contains offensive content and disturbs other users.
They cannot be shared with advertisements or incentives (other websites, products, services, companies).
They cannot invite users to other different web pages (sites).

Terms Regarding Intellectual Property and Copyrights
The website users are prohibited from copying, publishing, distributing the contents of third parties which are protected in terms of intellectual property and copyright by the laws in force, in violation of the laws without the written consent of the intellectual property and copyright holders. In case the intellectual property and copyright owners or their representatives inform the website management that these rights have been violated, the user who shares the content subject to copyright infringement may be blocked from accessing the site. If it is thought that there is intellectual property and copyright infringement regarding the content and elements within the website, a written notice containing the following elements should be sent to the site administration as soon as possible: i) electronic signature or written authorization document of the intellectual property and copyright holder, ii) intellectual property and copyright holder. a brief information about the property and copyrighted content and the situation subject to the violation, iii) the website section where the content that is thought to be infringed on intellectual property and copyrights, iv) contact information, v) that intellectual property and copyright infringement has occurred and that this is in violation of the law. A statement written in an appropriate wording that states that they are separate.

User Content
The website does not guarantee the accuracy of the content uploaded and / or posted by other users. It is the user's responsibility to use these services by visiting the site. In case of detection of any intellectual property and copyright infringement against third parties in relation to the content on the website and sent and / or uploaded to the site by other users, the site administration has the right to delete them without prior warning to the users who sent and / or uploaded these contents. This is the case for any part of the website and binds all users. If the website administration deletes or removes the content subject to intellectual property and copyright infringement, it is not obliged to notify the infringing user with justification. The right to prevent users who violate intellectual property and copyright from accessing the site is reserved. Repetition of intellectual property and copyright infringement means that the same user tries to publish the infringing content more than once or send it to the site, and the same content is deleted more than once by the site administration on the grounds of violation. Users agree in advance that the website administration may change the site services and terms of use of the site and / or add new terms, and also take care of the content of the services that the users have used from time to time, so that the access to the site may be restricted during this period and / or the content sent to the site may be published at certain intervals. In addition, the website administration has the right to impose limitations on the content uploaded and / or sent by the users of the website, such as the size or quantity limit of the submission. The website administration has the right to make changes and / or interruptions in the services within the site without prior notice to the users, and also to restrict the areas reserved for the content. All maintenance and improvements related to the services offered on the website are carried out by the site management, however, the site management will not accept any responsibility in case of any loss or damage due to deficiencies or malfunctions in the content uploaded to the site by the users.

The responsibility of all damages incurred as a result of users violating the terms of use of the website belongs to the user, and the website management cannot be held responsible for the compensation of these damages.

The website reserves the right to temporarily and/or permanently terminate the services on the website, in whole or in part, without notifying users or visitors.

Although every effort is made to ensure that the information published on this platform is up-to-date and accurate, the site administration does not make any direct or indirect guarantees regarding the accuracy and completeness of the information. It is accepted that the users expressly agree not to hold the site management responsible for any debt, liability or liability in case of any direct or indirect loss or damage arising from the use of the services published by using and visiting this website. There is no guarantee and/or commitment that the use of the site will provide certain results for users. The site administration does not represent or warrant that the website will be uninterrupted or error-free, that defects will be corrected, or that the site server is free of viruses or anything else harmful. The site administration does not make any representations or warranties regarding the use of materials or content on the site in terms of accuracy, adequacy, usefulness, reliability or otherwise, to the maximum extent permitted by applicable laws. Provided that the risks of the contents belong to the users, the site management does not accept responsibility for any damages that may occur in the devices accessed to the site, data loss or other damages that may be caused by the malfunctions in the telecommunication lines. The website management reserves the right to change any content and other elements used or found on the site at any time without notice. This website has business partnerships with other websites (especially blog pages) that are managed by independent service providers (websites of business partners and affiliate companies) and do not have the right to change their content in order to offer wider content to its users. There may be advertisements of certain standards belonging to various companies on the website, however, the website administration does not offer any guarantee regarding the goods or services expressed in the advertisements here, and does not have any responsibility regarding the advertisers. The website management makes the utmost effort for visitors and users to act in accordance with the general moral rules, but in some cases, users may be harassed, insulted, inappropriate, rude, misleading, illegal, etc. by other users. messages may be exposed. In this case, the site management can prevent the user who causes unwanted events from accessing the site, but the users who are exposed to this situation may suffer damage, loss, etc. will not accept any responsibility for compensation for negativities. Users and visitors can visit the website and use the services available here, in line with their own responsibilities.

Users' access to and use of services and content on and through the website is at their own risk. The website undertakes to provide uninterrupted and error-free service to its users in a way that does not contain inappropriate content under all conditions, and temporary service interruption may be possible in cases such as technical problems, site infrastructure maintenance and updates. Despite all efforts, there may be cases where the information on the website is out of date due to real events from time to time. The available information on related services may differ from the information appearing on the website. The impact of the content on information, services or products, whether linked or not, including but not limited to, warranties of condition, quality, performance, merchantability, timeliness, or fitness for a particular purpose, including but not limited to what appears on the website. No guarantees or commitments are made, implied or express, and such guarantees or commitments are not accepted by the site. The website administration does not make any guarantees, commitments or representations about the reliability, stability or virus-freeness of the current site and the servers to which it is linked.

The terms and conditions on this website are regulated in accordance with the laws and regulations of the Republic of Turkey. Changes or cancellations made by official authorities regarding the law are adapted in such a way as to preserve the validity of the remaining issues. Although the current site terms of use regulate the law between the website administration and its users, its binding is also valid for other persons. It is not possible to make changes in the matters and conditions stated here without sending any written official petition between the parties. The website administration can change the services offered on the site and the terms of this contract, partially or completely, at any time. Changes will be effective from the date of publication on the site. It is the User's responsibility to follow the changes. By continuing to benefit from the services offered, the user is deemed to have accepted these changes. If the users do not accept the terms and conditions stated here, even partially, they must exit the site by not using the services on the site.
6698 Sayılı Kişisel Verilerin Korunması Kanunu (“KVKK”) gereğince müşteri veya kullanıcıların, hizmetlerimizden faydalanmak amacıyla kişisel verilerini tarafımızla paylaşması halinde Web sitesi veri sorumlusu olarak, Kanun’un belirlediği çerçevede kişisel verilerinizi kaydedebilecek, saklayabilecek, güncelleyebilecek ve sınırlı olarak 3. Kişilere açıklayabilecek, devredilebilecek ve işleyebilecektir.
Kişisel verilerin işlenme amacı, ilgili mevzuat kapsamında her türlü ürün ve hizmetlerde kullanılmak; işlem sahibinin bilgilerini tespit için kimlik, adres ve diğer gerekli bilgileri kaydetmek; elektronik veya kağıt ortamında işleme dayanak olacak tüm kayıt ve belgeleri düzenlemek; ilgili kamu otoritelerince öngörülen bilgi saklama, raporlama, bilgilendirme yükümlülüklerine uymaktır.
KVKK madde 11 ile düzenlenen haklarınız şu şekildedir:
Web sitesi yönetimine başvurarak; kişisel verilerinizin; a) işlenip işlenmediğini öğrenme, b) işlenmişse bilgi talep etme, c) işlenme amacını ve amacına uygun kullanılıp kullanılmadığını öğrenme, ç) yurt içinde / yurt dışında aktarıldığı 3. kişileri bilme, d) eksik/yanlış işlenmişse düzeltilmesini isteme, e) KVKK’nın 7. maddesinde öngörülen şartlar çerçevesinde silinmesini/yok edilmesini isteme, f) aktarıldığı 3. kişilere yukarıda sayılan (d) ve (e) bentleri uyarınca yapılan işlemlerin bildirilmesini isteme, g) münhasıran otomatik sistemler ile analiz edilmesi nedeniyle aleyhinize bir sonucun ortaya çıkmasına itiraz etme, ğ) kanuna aykırı olarak işlenmesi sebebiyle zarara uğramanız hâlinde zararın giderilmesini talep etme haklarına sahipsiniz. Haklarınız kapsamında ilettiğiniz talebinizin yerine getirilebilmesi için Bankamızca yapılacak masraflar KVKK madde 13’te belirtilen tarifeye göre sizden talep edilebilecektir.

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